Hygiene and cosmetics business fights climate change

We invite you to read an interesting article in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Nowadays, being “eco” is fashionable. Many companies try to create their image around it, but it happens that such activities are only greenwashing.

Ecowipes has been focusing on the production of environmentally friendly hygienic and cosmetic products for 10 years. Eco in our name is both ecology and economy. Our products are not only of high quality, but also affordable.

Market leaders understand the need for climate protection

We are pleased to invite you to watch the debate “Sustainable development of companies. Involvement of business in counteracting climate change” organized by Rzeczpospolita as part of the Climate Fight Series. 

The discussion was attended by Gabriel Kermiche – CEO at Ecowipes , Boleslaw Rok – professor of Corporate Sustainability Management at Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego (Kozminski University), Frederic Faroche – president and CEO of the Veolia Industry Polska and Ewa Chodkiewicz – head of the Sustainable Development Team at the WWF Foundation.

Business fighting climate change? Plastic-free wipes. “Our responsibility is to educate”.

Did you know that until recently, most wet wipes were made of up to 90% plastic?

Ecowipes has contributed to making Poland the first country in Europe where more than half of them are biodegradable.

CEO Ecowipes Gabriel Kermiche talks about ecology and business in an interview with Gazeta.pl